

A Smart Point of Interaction defines a place with technology to interact with users, for example, through Beacon technology from Apple, Eddystone/Physical-Web from Google or other proximity-based interfaces. Since the interactive area could be composed by more than one device providing the technology, this model encompasses a group of SmartSpot devices.

The data model includes information regarding the area/surface covered by the technology (i.e., the area covered by Bluetooth Low Energy-based Beacon), a way to specify the functionality intervals (i.e. when interactive points are available) and a link to a multimedia resource intended to user interaction (i.e. Web Apps, etc.). Additionally, the data model may reference to another NGSI entity such as a Parking, a Point of Interest (POI), etc. with enriched interaction provided by this Smart Point of Interaction.

Data Model

The data model is defined as shown below:

  • id : Unique identifier.

  • type : Entity type. It must be equal to SmartPointOfInteraction.

  • source : A sequence of characters giving the source of the entity data.

    • Attribute type: Property. Text or URL
    • Optional
  • dataProvider : Specifies the URL to information about the provider of this information

    • Attribute type: Property. URL
    • Optional
  • category : Defines the type of interaction.

    • Attribute type: Property. List of Text
    • Allowed values: information, entertainment, infotainment, co-creation or any other extended value defined by the application.
    • Mandatory
  • areaCovered : Defines the area covered by the Smart Point of Interaction using geoJSON format. It can be represented by a feature of type Polygon or Multipolygon.

  • applicationUrl : This field specifies the real URL containing the solution or application (information, co-creation, etc) while the SmartSpot 'announcedUrl' field specifies the broadcasted URL which could be this same URL or a shortened one.

    • Attribute type: Property. URL
    • Mandatory
  • availability: Specifies the time intervals in which this interactive service is generally available. It is noteworthy that Smart Spots have their own real availability in order to allow advanced configurations. The syntax must be conformant with openingHours specification. For instance, a service which is only active on dayweeks will be encoded as "availability": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa 09:00-20:00".

    • Attribute type: Property. Text
    • Mandatory.
  • refRelatedEntity : List of entities improved with this Smart Point of Interaction. The entity type could be any such as a “Parking”, “Point of Interest”, etc.

    • Attribute type: Relationship. List of references to entities.
    • Optional
  • refSmartSpot : References to the “Smart Spot” devices which are part of the Smart Point of Interaction.

    • Attribute type: Relationship. Reference to one or more entities of type SmartSpot
    • Optional

Note: JSON Schemas are intended to capture the data type and associated constraints of the different Attributes, regardless their final representation format in NGSI(v2, LD).


Normalized Example

Normalized NGSI response

    "id": "SPOI-ES-4326",
    "type": "SmartPointOfInteraction",
    "category": {
        "value": ["co-creation"]
    "applicationUrl": {
        "type": "URL",
        "value": ""
    "areaCovered": {
        "value": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [25.774, -80.19],
                    [18.466, -66.118],
                    [32.321, -64.757],
                    [25.774, -80.19]
    "availability": {
        "value": "Tu,Th 16:00-20:00"
    "refSmartSpot": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "value": [
    "refRelatedEntity": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "value": ["POI-PlazaCazorla-3123"]

key-value pairs Example

Sample uses simplified representation for data consumers ?options=keyValues

    "id": "SPOI-ES-4326",
    "type": "SmartPointOfInteraction",
    "category": ["co-creation"],
    "areaCovered": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
                [25.774, -80.19],
                [18.466, -66.118],
                [32.321, -64.757],
                [25.774, -80.19]
    "applicationUrl": "",
    "availability": "Tu,Th 16:00-20:00",
    "refRelatedEntity": "POI-PlazaCazorla-3123",
    "refSmartSpot": [

LD Example

Sample uses the NGSI-LD representation

    "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:SmartPointOfInteraction:SPOI-ES-4326",
    "type": "SmartPointOfInteraction",
    "category": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": ["co-creation"]
    "applicationUrl": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": ""
    "areaCovered": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [
                    [25.774, -80.19],
                    [18.466, -66.118],
                    [32.321, -64.757],
                    [25.774, -80.19]
    "availability": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "Tu,Th 16:00-20:00"
    "refSmartSpot": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "object": [
    "refRelatedEntity": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "object": ["urn:ngsi-ld:RelatedEntity:POI-PlazaCazorla-3123"]
    "@context": [

Use it with a real service
